Invite novelist, attorney, and Onward Literary Founder, Elizabeth L. Silver to come to your event.


Pop-Up Book Club

  • “Pop-up Book Club” - a visit and Q&A with the author on any of her books
    (Schedule here)


  • Book Talk on the origin and writing of The Majority, a novel

  • “Narrative Law” — On the Intersection of Law & Storytelling

  • “Feminism and Historical Fiction” — How Ruth Bader Ginsburg inspired a new fictional world in The Majority, a novel

  • Book Talk on the origin and writing of The Execution of Noa P. Singleton, a novel

  • “Medicine and Uncertainty” — on writing The Tincture of Time: A Memoir of (Medical) Uncertainty and the Ms. Magazine article on breast cancer screening


  • “Finding Your Voice” —A creative writing workshop for high schoolers

  • “Exploring Your Voice” — A creative writing workshop for college students

  • “Writing to Heal” — A creative writing workshop for cancer thrivers and survivors

Elizabeth L. Silver is a mesmerizing and inspiring speaker who blends deep compassion and insight...Elizabeth’s riveting storytelling and profound insights leave a lasting impact on all who hear her.
— Lisa Weinert, Creator of Narrative Healing, from Elizabeth's event at Kripalu